6 tips to protect your baby’s dental health

If your baby's daily diet contains sugar and their teeth are not cleaned regularly, they will easily develop dental caries (cavities). Taking care of your baby's teeth under 3 years old is very important. Here are some suggestions:

Tips 1: Cleaning the mouth regularly

Starting with your baby's first tooth, gently clean the teeth, gums, and tongue with a damp gauze or a baby toothbrush at least twice a day. This helps prevent gingivitis and tooth decay.

Tips 2: Use an appropriate amount of fluoride toothpaste

When your baby reaches 3 years old, you can gradually transition to using fluoride toothpaste. Use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste when brushing to teach your child proper brushing motion and encourage them to spit out excess toothpaste. Make sure your baby gets fluoride, which makes teeth stronger and prevents cavities.

Tips 3: Dietary control

Try to reduce the amount of sugar your child consumes via food and drinks. Do not give sugary drinks, juice or water to babies under one year old. Avoid regular consumption of candy, honey or other sticky foods, as these foods can easily remain on the tooth surface and cause tooth decay. Also clean your baby’s mouth again after giving medicines that contain sugar.

Tips 4: Regular oral examinations

Starting after the baby is born, take your baby to the dentist for oral examinations regularly. This helps detect and treat any oral health issues early. Pay attention to the development of your baby's teeth, detect abnormalities in time and consult your dentist for advice. If there are abnormalities, early corrective treatment may be needed.

Tips 5: Control bottle use

Use only bottles during feedings and do not use bottles or breast milk as a pacifier. Do not let your baby fall asleep with a bottle, and try to complete the feeding process before your baby falls asleep. Over reliance on bottles or sucking of nipples can easily lead to tooth misalignment. If your baby falls asleep while breastfeeding, remove your breast from your baby's mouth.

Tips 6: Teach your child proper oral hygiene

Encourage your baby to develop good oral hygiene habits, including brushing, gargling, and regular dental visits. You can build their interest by teaching them the correct way to brush their teeth and using interesting toothbrushes and toothpastes. Avoid licking pacifiers, spoons or cups used by your baby, as this may transfer bacteria from your mouth to your baby.

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