Risks of Advanced Maternal Age Pregnancy and Delivery

With social development and the advancement of science and technology, delayed marriage and childbirth have become common phenomena in modern society. More women are choosing to prioritise their career, financial independence or personal development before considering pregnancy and childbirth, which has led to an increase in pregnancy and delivery at an advanced maternal age.

Increased complications during pregnancyHowever, advanced maternal age also increases certain risks, which not only poses challenges to the pregnant women themselves, but also poses potential adverse effects on the baby’s health.

Increased complications during pregnancy

Advanced age mothers are more likely to suffer from a range of pregnancy complications compared to younger mothers. These include gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, too much or too little amniotic fluid, etc. These complications increase maternal health risks and may also adversely affect foetal development and growth.

Increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities

As age increases, the risk of foetal chromosomal abnormalities also increases significantly. The most common chromosomal abnormality is Down syndrome, the prevalence of which increases with maternal age. Chromosomal abnormalities may cause abnormalities in foetal development and affect the child's growth and development.

Increased childbirth complications

Older mothers may face more complications during childbirth, such as labour dystocia (difficult or obstructed labour), postpartum haemorrhage, placental abruption, etc. These complications not only increase the risk of complications during delivery, but may also affect the mother’s recovery process and the newborn’s health.

Psychological stress during pregnancy

Older pregnant women may face greater psychological pressure during pregnancy and worry about their physical condition, the health of their foetus, and the risks during delivery, and this may affect their mental health and quality of life.

In view of the potential risks of advanced maternal age pregnancy and delivery, it is recommended that women of advanced maternal age undergo comprehensive health assessment and consultation before pregnancy, and maintain a healthy lifestyle by having a balanced diet, maintaining moderate exercise, and avoiding unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking, all of which can help reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy.

It is also very important to seek medical advice early, have regular prenatal check-ups, and follow your doctor's advice and guidance. The most important thing is to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, pay attention to your mental health, maintain communication with family members and medical staff to jointly cope with the challenges caused by pregnancy and delivery to ensure that you and your baby are healthy.

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