Mommy don't forget to take folic acid supplements during pregnancy

Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is a water-soluble vitamin. It cannot be synthesised in the human body and therefore must be ingested through food. Folic acid plays several key biological roles in the body, particularly in DNA synthesis and methylation. Folic acid is important to both mother and child during pregnancy. Its main functions and benefits include:

Benefits of Folic Acid for Mummy:

  • Anaemia prevention: Folic acid helps in the formation of red blood cells and prevents anaemia in pregnant women. Anaemia can cause fatigue, weakness, and other discomforts, and these symptoms can cause additional discomfort for a pregnant mother.
  • Maintains a healthy nervous system: Folic acid is essential for maintaining normal functioning of the nervous system. Adequate folate levels help prevent neurological problems.
  • Lowers risk of hypertension and diabetes: Folic acid intake is associated with a lower risk of hypertension and diabetes. This is especially important for moms during pregnancy, as these health issues can have a negative impact on the foetus.

Benefits of Folic Acid for Foetus/ Baby:

  • Neural tube development: Folic acid is essential for the normal development of the neural tube during early pregnancy. Adequate folic acid intake may reduce the risk of foetal neural tube defects, such as spina bifida.
  • Organ development: Folic acid contributes to the formation and development of foetal organs and is essential for the normal function of the heart, brain and other organs.
  • Reduced risk of other developmental defects: Folic acid has also been linked to a reduced risk of other developmental defects, including cleft lip and palate.
  • Reduces the risk of preterm birth: Folic acid intake is associated with a reduced risk of preterm birth and helps in better development of the baby.

Recommended Dosage of Folic Acid Supplements

Therefore, maintaining adequate folate levels during pregnancy is essential to safeguard the health of mother and baby. Doctors usually recommend that pregnant women take appropriate doses of folic acid before and during pregnancy to ensure adequate nutritional supply.

Before pregnancy:

  • Early pregnancy is an important stage of baby's growth and development, especially the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, when the baby's neural tube development is most critical.
  • Recommended dose: 600 micrograms (mcg) per day.

Mid to late pregnancy:

  • It is recommended to continue taking folic acid throughout pregnancy, especially if the mother is at risk of anaemia.
  • Recommended dose: 400 to 1000 micrograms (mcg) per day. Some doctors may recommend increasing the dose, especially for those at risk for neural tube defects, to 5 mg.


  • The World Health Organization recommends that mothers should take folic acid supplements until 3 months after delivery.
  • Mothers taking folic acid supplements during lactation can not only increase red blood cells and haemoglobin levels, but also prevent anaemia.
  • It is recommended that mothers should continue to take folic acid supplements in addition to regular intake of folic acid-rich foods.
  • Recommended dose: 400 to 1000 micrograms (mcg) per day.

The above dosages are general recommendations, and the specific dosage will vary based on your health condition and the doctor’s recommendations. It is best to take folic acid under the guidance of a doctor before and during pregnancy.

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